Go from Engineer to Entrepreneur

The tactics and strategies behind Branding, Marketing, and Product made digestible for software developers to build and monetise their apps.

A visual display of going from code through branding, marketing, product, and arriving at cash

Totally free

No ads, no pitching you things, no spam. I will not share your email with anyone.

Written for Developers

No lingo, no jargon, no acronyms.

Easy to implement

Validation and go-to-market tactics and tips that don't require a whole-ass course to do.

Now is the time to build profitable apps and solutions; it's your turn!

Your ultimate strategy guide to navigating the world of micro-SaaS and apps, packed with actionable insights, proven tactics, and walkthroughs to help you create, launch, and grow successful digital products.

Unlock Financial Independence

Embark on a journey through real-world stories and strategies from creators who've built thriving digital products.

Gain Ownership and Control

Start your quest of creating value through solutions that you entirely own. Not your boss, not some shareholder, not an investor... YOU!

Master the Game

Level up your skills and strategies to conquer the Micro-SaaS battlefield and turn your ideas into winning digital products!

A picture of my face

Hi, I'm Dom

Product Manager and Professional Tinkerer

I am a Head of Product and contract my consultancy to other companies.

I also own apps that I have monetised.

That leads to me sitting with developers like yourself and talking about what they are working on in their spare time.

But they get stuck levelling up the code when, in actual fact, the most effective advice I give them is a Marketing buff or a Branding modifier.

Therefore, I wanted to increase my reach to more devs to find out the burning questions to answer. I want to know, "How can I help devs get their Startup XP up?"

Hence, I am sharing all of the stories of the campaigns that have been successful for me and my teams. This is because it will make me a better advisor overall and I get to help others on their journey.

But the bigger picture is this; I want the next generation of tech owners to be the people who genuinely innovate and not some millionaire wanting to become a billionaire.

Let's build great products for great people by great creators.


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